Gran Ciudad Group, LP (hereinafter “Gran Ciudad”) located at Gran Ciudad Group, LP, is the data controller for purposes of the processing and protection of your personal data, which is processed as strictly confidential in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter the “Personal Data Law”).
We use your personal data collected, for the purpose of (i) providing goods, services or products offered by Gran Ciudad; (ii) to identify the Data Holder and knowledge of their profile; (iii) manage and analyze goods, services or products; (iv) update the personal data of each Data Holder; (v) to contact the Data Holder and inform about relevant news; and (vi) marketing, promotion and statistics.
For the aforementioned purposes, we may need to collect the following personal data, but not limited to: name, email, date of birth, home address, telephone, nationality, gender, nationality, emergency contact information, as well as all the information that you provide or disclose to Gran Ciudad.
You have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, oppose to the processing of such data, limit its use or disclosure, or revoke the consent that you have granted us to process your data (These rights are known as ARCO rights), by emailing a request to:, Attention: Personal Data Protection Department.
Your request should contain at least the following information: (i) complete name and email or postal address to inform you the answer to your request; (ii) the documents evidencing your identity or, as the case may be, the legal representation; (iii) the clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise the aforementioned rights; and (iv) any other element or document that may facilitate the location of the personal information. Your request will be addressed within the period of time permitted by law and we will inform you our response through the email or postal address that you provide us.
In case the information provided in the request is insufficient or erroneous, or if the necessary documentation is not attached, within 5 (five) business days following receipt of your request, we may request you to provide the necessary information or documents in order to process your request. You will have a period of 10 (ten) business days to respond to the request, counted as of the day following the date you received our request. If you do not respond within such term, your request will be deemed not filed.
We will inform you the resolution adopted within a maximum term of 20 (twenty) business days counted as of the date we receive your request (or, if applicable, the day following the date you respond to the request of information), in order to, if admissible, make it effective within 15 (fifteen) business days following the date we inform you our response. Our response will be made by email to the email address identified in your request. The aforementioned terms may only be extended as set forth in applicable law.
You may revoke the consent that, if applicable, you have granted to us for the processing of your personal data. However, it is important to note that in some cases it will not be possible for us to process your request or stop the use immediately, since we may be required by law to process your personal data. Also, please bear in mind that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will entail that we will no longer be able to provide you the services or products requested or the termination of your relationship with us. You may revoke your consent by following the same process set forth above regarding ARCO rights.
You may also exercise your right to limit the use or disclosure of your personal information, such as for marketing purposes, by following the procedure set forth above for the exercise of the ARCO rights.
In terms of article 68 of the Regulation of the Personal Data Law and article 36 of such law, you hereby expressly agree and authorize any transfer of your personal data made by Gran Ciudad to related companies, subsidiaries, suppliers or customers. Moreover, Gran Ciudad ensures that all transfers shall comply, at all times, with article 36 of the Personal Data Law and 68 of the Regulation of the Personal Data Law.
We have enough security measures for the protection, confidentiality and assurance of your personal data to restrict the access to non-authorized people. Likewise, our employees, representatives, subcontractors, consultants and/or third parties involved in any stage of processing of your personal data will keep confidentiality with respect to these, obligation that shall continue until the end of the relationship between such persons.
This privacy notice might be changed, modified or updated due to new legal requirements; our own needs based on the services we offer; our privacy practices, or for other reasons. We will keep you informed on any changes to this privacy notice through a notice sent to the latest e-mail address that you have provided us.
Date of last update: 12/9/2015